The flights are booked, everything is packed. But still there are appearing doubts, should we really give up everything again and leave Fuerteventura, our friends, our home? But we want more from life; adventure and freedom. One last night in our flat, which we have rented for the second time. Strange feeling!
Getting to Germany
It is the of april of 2012, it is cold and tomorrow is Easter. We land around noon in Frankfurt and now everything has to go quickly. We cannot miss the train to Dillingen. We wait for Maya and our luggage and then we are off to the luggage storage. We pay for our three boards, the kennel from Maya, and our bags.
After a long train ride we finally get to our destination where we want to check out a camper we might want to buy. The camper seems in good conditions and we decide to get it.
Soon after that we are off to get our luggage and find a place to sleep at. A short trip on the highway and we discouver a field where we can park and get some rest. During the night it rains and rains and the morning is fresh and wet.
We drive direction Rostock and after a while it seems that the outside wall on the drivers side is peeling off! We go on, but every now and then we take a scarred look in the mirror. We are lucky and nothing happens, but it seems like we have to fix this.
Well,well, we stay in Rostock for some time, then go to Berlin, stay there and then Patrick goes back to Rostock while I am staying with my mom in Potsdam.
We meet again in Waren/Mueritz from where we go to Wismar to meet Jacky and Chris.
Jacky gives me her "old" Windsurfboard, so now I only have to learn to windsurf.
The next day we are off to Poland, where we stay ten days and then finally the trip begins!!!!!